Jan 9, 2013
Jan 2, 2013
Python Application 4 - Replace Text Content
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 22 - Regular Expression 5 \n------------------------------------\n"
import re
in_str = raw_input("Enter a text : ")
se_str = raw_input("Enter search string : ")
re_str = raw_input("Enter replace string : ")
count = 10
reg1 = re.compile(se_str)
print "Result : ",reg1.sub(re_str,in_str,count)
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
Python Application 3 - Check Email Address
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
in_str = raw_input("Enter an email address : ")
se_str = "\w+@\w+\.[com|in|org|net]"
reg1 = re.compile(se_str)
search1 = reg1.search(in_str)
print "\nInvalid email address"
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 20 - Regular Expression 4 \n------------------------------------\n"
import rein_str = raw_input("Enter an email address : ")
se_str = "\w+@\w+\.[com|in|org|net]"
reg1 = re.compile(se_str)
search1 = reg1.search(in_str)
if search1:
print "\nValid email address"else:
print "\nInvalid email address"
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
Python Application 2 - Extract File Content
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
f1 = open("logfile","r")
for i in f1.readlines():
j = i.split(' ')
print j
Python Application 1 - Format File Content
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
input_file = raw_input("\nEnter input file name : ")
output_file = "file_new.txt"
h1 = open(input_file,"r")
print "\n----------------------------"
print "Input File Content"
print "----------------------------\n"
for i in h1:
print i,
h1 = open(input_file,"r")
h2 = open(output_file,"w")
for i in h1:
i2 = i.split(',')
for j in i2:
n = len(j)
if j[n-1] =="\n":
h1 = open(output_file,"r")
for i in h1:
print i,
print "\n---------------------------\n"
input_file = raw_input("\nEnter input file name : ")
output_file = "file_new.txt"
h1 = open(input_file,"r")
print "\n----------------------------"
print "Input File Content"
print "----------------------------\n"
for i in h1:
print i,
h1 = open(input_file,"r")
h2 = open(output_file,"w")
for i in h1:
i2 = i.split(',')
for j in i2:
n = len(j)
if j[n-1] =="\n":
print "\n---------------------------"
print "Output File Content - file_new.txt"print"----------------------------\n"
h1 = open(output_file,"r")
for i in h1:
print i,
print "\n---------------------------\n"
Chapter 22 – Python Regular Expression Part 5
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 22 - Regular Expression 5 \n------------------------------------\n"import re
in_str = raw_input("Enter a text : ")
se_str = raw_input("Enter search string : ")
re_str = raw_input("Enter replace string : ")
count = 2
reg1 = re.compile(se_str)
print "Result : ",reg1.sub(re_str,in_str,count)
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
#ENDChapter 21 – Python Regular Expression Part 4
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Joseprint "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 21 - Regular Expression 4 \n------------------------------------\n"
import re
in_str = raw_input("Enter an email address : ")
se_str = "\w+@\w+\.[com|in|org|net]"
reg1 = re.compile(se_str)
search1 = reg1.search(in_str)
if search1:print "\nValid email address"
print "\nInvalid email address"
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
Chapter 20 – Python Regular Expression Part 3
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 20 - Regular Expression 3 \n------------------------------------\n"
import re
in_str = raw_input("Enter the text : ")
se_str = raw_input("Enter search string : ")
reg1 = re.compile(se_str)
find1 = reg1.findall(in_str)
print "\nOutput of - .findall() : ", find1
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
iter1 = reg1.finditer(in_str)
print "Output of - .finditer() : \n"
for i in iter1:
print i.group()
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
Chapter 19 – Python Regular Expression Part 2
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 19 - Regular Expression 2 \n------------------------------------\n"
import re
match_str = "jijo k 50 JOSE"
search_str = "[a-z]+.*"
print "Input String : %s"%match_str
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
reg1 = re.compile(search_str,re.IGNORECASE)
match = reg1.match(match_str)
print "Address Location : ",reg1.match(search_str)
print "Search string : ",search_str
print "Matched string : ",match.group()
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
search_str = '[a-z]+\s[a-z]\s[0-9]+\s\w[A-Z]'
reg1 = re.compile(search_str)
match = reg1.match(match_str)
print "Search string : ",search_str
print "Matched string : ",match.group()
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
Chapter 18 - Python Regular Expression Part 1
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 18 - Regular Expression 1 \n------------------------------------\n"
import re
match_str = raw_input("Enter a text : ")
search_str = raw_input("Enter search string : ")
reg1 = re.compile(search_str,re.IGNORECASE)
print "Address Location : ",reg1.match(match_str)
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
match = reg1.match(match_str)
if match:
print "Match - Found : ",match.group()
print "No match found !!! "
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
search = reg1.search(match_str)
if search:
print "Search Found : ",search.group()
print "No searched result !!!"
print "\n-----------------------------------\n"
Chapter 17 - Python High Level File I/O Operations
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
import shutil
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 17 - High level File I/O \n------------------------------------\n"
s = shutil
print "File data1 copied to data5 -shutil.copy() \n"
print "File data1 copied to data6 without changing timestamp -shutil.copy1() \n"
print "File data5 moved to temp/data5 -shutil.move() \n"
srcdir = "temp"
desdir = "temp2"
print "Remove the whole directory tree -shutil.rmtree() \n"
print "Copy the whole directory tree -shutil.copytree() \n"
print "\n----------------------------------------"
Chapter 16 - Python Functions
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 16 - Functions \n------------------------------------\n"
def sum_mul(a,b):
return a+b,a*b
c,d = sum_mul(10,20)
print "Sum = %d and Product = %d" %(c,d)
Chapter 15 - Python Exceptions
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 15 - File Writing \n------------------------------------\n"
while 1:
f1=raw_input("Enter the file name : ")
h1 = open(f1,"r")
print "\nFile contents are :\n",h1.read()
print "Problem in opening file : ",f1
Jan 1, 2013
Chapter 14 – Python File Write Operations
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 14 - File Writing \n------------------------------------\n"
h1 = open("data1","r")
h2 = open("data2","w")
h3 = open("data3","w")
print h1
h1 = open("data1","r")
s = h1.readlines()
print "\nReading the Content - readlines() : ",s
for i in s:
print "File contents are written to data2 using write()"
print "File contents are written to data3 using writelines()"
print "\n--------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 13 - Python File Read Operations
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 13 - File Reading \n------------------------------------\n"
h1 = open("data1","r")
print h1
print "\nReading the first line -readline() : ",h1.readline()
h1 = open("data1","r")
print "\nReading the full content - read() : \n",h1.read()
h1 = open("data1","r")
print "\nReading the First 25 Character - read(25) : ",h1.read(25)
h1 = open("data1","r")
print "\nReading the Content - readlines() : ",h1.readlines()
print "\n--------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 12 - Python While Loop
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 12 - While Loop \n------------------------------------\n"
i = input("Enter an integer : ")
while(i > 0):
print i
i -= 1
c = input("To quit press 0 : ")
print "\n--------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 11 - Python For Loop
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 11 - For Loop \n------------------------------------\n"
for i in range(10,25,2):
print i
print "\n--------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 10 - Python Command Line Arguments
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 10 - Command Line Parameters \n------------------------------------\n"
import sys
if(len(sys.argv) < 3):
print "You should enter 2 argument"
elif(len(sys.argv) >=3):
print "You entered %d argument " %(len(sys.argv)-1)
print "The sys.argv values are : ", sys.argv
print "sys.argv values in separte lines are...."
for i in sys.argv:
print i
print "\n--------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 9 - Python Conditionals
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 9 - Conditionals \n------------------------------------\n"
a = input("Enter integer A : ")
b = input("Enter integer B : ")
if a == b:
print "A and B are same"
elif a < b:
print "B is larger"
print "A is larger"
print "\n--------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 8 - Python Dictionary Datatypes
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 8 - Dictionaries\n------------------------------------\n"
name = {'fname':'Jijo','mname':'K','lname':'Jose'}
print "\n", type(name)
print "\nDictonary Values : ", name
print "\nname['mname'] : " + name['mname']
print "\nAll keys -keys() : ", name.keys()
print "\nAll values -values() : ", name.values()
del name['mname']
print "\nDelete value del name['key'] : ", name
print "\nIterate through for loop items... -name.iteritems()\n"
for k,v in name.iteritems():
print k + "---->" + v
name['fname']= ['Jijo','Jibin','Jijan']
name['mname']= 'K'
name['lname']= 'Jose'
print "\nAdd more value to same key -name['fname']='value' : ", name
print "\n------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 7 - Python List Datatypes
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 7 - List\n------------------------------------\n"
l1 = [1,2,3,4]
l2 = [5,6,7,8]
print "List Manipulations L1 : " ,l1
print "List Manipulations L2 : " ,l2
print "\nList reverse : ", l1
print "\nList append (Create multi diamension list) : ", l1
print "\nElement [4][2] is : ", l1[4][2]
l1 = [1,2,3,4];
l2 = [5,6,7,8];
print "\nList extend (Create single diamension list) : ", l1
print "\nRemove last element from list -pop() : ",l1
print "\nRemove 2nd element from list -pop(2) : ",l1
print "\nInsert element into list -insert(,i,val) : ",l1
print "\nCreate a range of integers - range(init,end,step) : ",l3
print "\n------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 5 - Python String Operations Part 2
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 5 - String 2\n------------------------------------\n"
import string
a = raw_input("Enter any string : ")
print "%s contains %d character\n" %(a,len(a))
b = string.upper(a)
c = a.lower()
d = a.capitalize()
e = string.capwords(a)
print "%s in different forms are :"
print b;
print c;
print d;
print e;
print "\nSplit function result\n---------------------------------------------"
f = a.split()
print f
print "\nJoin function result\n---------------------------------------------"
g = string.join(f)
print g
print "\n------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 4 – Python String Operations Part 1
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 4 - String 1\n------------------------------------\n"
a = raw_input("Enter any string : ")
print "%s contains %d character" %(a,len(a))
print "\nLast character of %s is : %s" %(a,a[len(a)-1])
print "\nFirst 3 characters are : %s" %(a[0:3])
print "\nEach Characters are..."
for ch in a:
print ch
b = raw_input("\nEnter second string : ")
if a==b:
print "\nStrings are equal"
print "\nStrings are not equal"
print "\n------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 3 – Python Keyboard Inputs
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 3 - STDIN Input\n------------------------------------\n"
msg = raw_input("Enter Your Name : ")
age = input("Enter your age : ")
print "Your name is :" , msg
print "%s, your age is : %d" %(msg,age)
print "\n------------------------------------\n"
Chapter 2 - Python Math Functions
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano) then enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
print "\n------------------------------------\nChapter 2 - Math Function\n------------------------------------\n"
print "100 divided by 16 is:", 100 / 16 , "& Remainder is:", 100 % 16
Chapter 1 - Python Hello World Program
Step 1
Open any text editor (gedit,pico,vi,nano)
Enter the following python script and save the file with .py extension.
#Author : Jijo K Jose
a="Hello World"
print 'First program was'
print a + "."
Introduction to Python Programming Language
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.
The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or binary form for all major platforms from the Python Web site, http://www.python.org/, and may be freely distributed. The same site also contains distributions of and pointers to many free third party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation.
In this tutorial am using linux operating system for compiling python script.
Step 1
First you need to check, python is already installed in your system by using the following command
which python
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