Aug 29, 2012

How to import csv data into the database using php


To download code - Click Here

Step 1

Create a database db_test and add one table named test with the following fields





Aug 26, 2012

Install phpMyAdmin in Ubuntu 12.04

phpMyAdmin allows you to manage MySQL Servers easily from any popular web browser. Instead of connecting to MySQL server from the command line or console every time you wish to make a change, use your web browser and connect to it, then make the change there. It will allow you edit, drop, modify database tables and data within your browser.

Most online hosts will make this available to you when managing websites or blogs online. It’s a very efficient and reliable tool to manage your WordPress blog database.

Step 1


To get started, press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to install it.


sudo apt-get install phpMyAdmin

Step 2


Then choose the web server you want to associate with this tool. It will mostly be apache2



Aug 24, 2012

How to update ubuntu software


Method 1: Ubuntu software update using command line


apt-get is the command-line tool for handling packages, updating package and installing patches under Ubuntu Linux. All you have to do is type the following two command to update all installed software to latest version.


Open terminal and type the following two commands:


$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Aug 20, 2012

How to stop programs from automatically starting up in Windows

If you have tons of programs installed on your computer and most of them start up automatically in the background when Windows starts, then sooner or later your PC performance will suffer. Because the more programs that are loaded in Windows, the worse your computer performs.

This is also beneficial because it speeds up your computer and gives you more resources to work with.


Step 1


Click Start –>  and type ‘msconfig’ or press windows key + r in the search box as shown below and select the program from the list above.


Step 2


Select the StartUp Tab and uncheck the box next to the program you want to disable Once done, click OK.


windows run

Aug 19, 2012

How to remove "headers already sent" error in PHP


This error occurs mainly when you are working PHP in Linux Servers.

Method 1

The "headers already sent" error is usually caused by having white space before or after the opening and closing PHP tags (<?php . . . ?>).

Method 2

In top of page put


In bottom of page put


Aug 9, 2012

Enable Nautilus Location Entry in Ubuntu

By default, this feature is disabled when you installed Ubuntu. The location entry in nautilus lets you use the location box to go to a folder by typing it instead of using to mouse to open one folder at a time until you reach your destination.

This can come in handy if you need to quickly go to a particular location in nautilus without individually opening each folder. 


To get started, press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to turn it on.


gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry true


Aug 7, 2012

How to solve Unable to lock the administration directory /var/lib/dpkg/ in Ubuntu


You may have frequently encountered this while trying to install the software from the Ubuntu terminal. It means, that you are already installing the another software through Ubuntu software center or Synaptic Manager. You can install more than one software at a same time.


So, finish for the installation of one software and continue with the other one. But, however if the synaptic manager crashed or you cancel the software installation the process still can be locked. The solution is killing the process and continuing with installing the software. Here’s how you kill the process:


To kill the process, Open terminal and paste following command:


sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock


kill lock process

Press “Y” to kill the process.

Again, use this command to configure and unpack the packages:

sudo dpkg configure -a

Install and uninstall NVIDIA driver in ubuntu


Install NVIDIA Driver


First you need to install the linux kernel headers:


sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic


Then you will need to run dkms to remove the old nvidia kernel module:


sudo dkms remove nvidia


Then run:


sudo apt-get install nvidia-current


Aug 5, 2012

How to retrieve data from database using AJAX in PHP


To download code - Click Here

To retrieve data from MYSQL or any database using AJAX, you need to do the following steps

Step 1

Create a database db_test and add one table named test with the following fields





How to install mp3 codec in ubuntu

However, you can install the ability to play popular non-free media formats, including DVD, MP3, Quicktime, and Windows Media formats, by following the instructions below.

Method 1 - Manual Install


Open the Ubuntu Software Center. In the search box in the upper right corner, type "ubuntu-restricted-extras".

When it shows up, click on the "Ubuntu restricted extras" package, then click the install button for it.


Method 2 - Using Terminal


Open terminal and type the following command


sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras


Aug 1, 2012

How to add hit counter into WordPress website


Method 1

Download any hit counter plugins and install into your website.Then activate the plugin.

5 popular hit counter plugins are

1.PulseMaps Visitor Map Plugin

2.Traffic flash counter

3.WordPress Hit Counter

4.GoStats Refreshed

5.GoStats for WordPress  

To download the pluggin visit or click the following link